Classic Tap Dance Studio in Keizer, OR.  Classes in Tap, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Ballet, and more.  Friendly atmosphere and exciting teachers.

Summer Ballroom Session - Beginning August 10, 2017

Classic Tap is starting up another 4 week session of Ballroom lessons!!!

It's been several years, but we're ready to get couples (or singles) back into the studio to learn how to dance as 2! We've had several inquiries for "Couples Dance" so ask......and you shall receive.

We are looking to begin a 4 week session on Thursday nights from 7 to 8pm running August 10th - August 31st. Price per couple is $100 for the session, and $50 for singles. Please contact the studio for further details and "Share" if you know someone that wants to have a little Summer fun!

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